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Revised July 1999



The name of this organization shall be Washington Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (WEAFCS).



  1. To promote a spirit of friendliness, cooperation and understanding among members.
  2. To establish a close working relationship among members of the WEAFCS and all other professional extension associations.
  3. To provide opportunity for the exchange of ideas and methods.
  4. To recognize and support the objectives of the National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (NEAFCS).
  5. Promote professional growth and development by:
  6. Providing for and recognizing leadership and achievement.
  7. Awarding financial support for professional study.
  8. Exchanging effective educational methodologies.
  9. Conduct programs that meet current social needs and concerns affecting families and communities.
  10. Communicate present and potential contributions of Extension Educators.
  11. Network and/or build coalitions with organizations that support programs that benefit individuals/families and enhance the profession.
  12. To promote professional improvement.


ARTICLE III – Membership

Section 1. Active Membership

An extension employee working in any capacity with family and consumer sciences or home economics programming, who has a minimum of a bachelor’s degree, upon payment of dues may become an active member of WEAFCS and NEAFCS.

Section 2. Life Member

Any former extension employee who has been a member of the WEAFCS for at least ten years will be granted honorary membership upon payment of a one-time fee to NEAFCS.  Life members may receive NEAFCS awards, fellowships and grants, serve on NEAFCS or WEAFCS committees or hold a WEAFCS office.  Life members wanting to hold a WEAFCS office must pay the annual WEAFCS state membership dues.

Section 3.
State Only Member

State members have the rights and privileges of state membership by paying the annual WEAFCS state membership dues. There are no NEAFCS privileges.



Section 1.

Dues shall include NEAFCS dues as determined, plus WEAFCS dues as voted on by the membership.

Section 2.

The fiscal year shall be January 1 through December 31.  Dues are payable to the state treasurer by December 15 prior to the new membership year.  New members of extension faculty may become members at any time during the year.

Section 3.

WEAFCS dues may be changed by majority vote at the annual meeting.


ARTICLE V – Officers

Section 1.

The officers of WEAFCS shall be President, President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.

Section 2.

The tenure of office shall be two (2) years except for the President-Elect, which shall be for (1) year, at which time shall assume the duties of President.  All officers shall assume the duties in December following elections.

Section 3.

All vacancies shall be filled by appointment by the President with the approval of the Executive Committee for the unexpired term.  If the office of President is vacated, the Executive Board will appoint a replacement.

Section 4.

All officers shall have records up to date and condensed at the expiration of their term of office.  Records of the past two (2) years shall be given to incoming officers; all other records shall be given to the historian.

Section 5.

The President shall appoint representatives to the Washington Joint Council of Extension Professionals. Consideration will be given to east and west side representation.


ARTICLE VI – Elections

Section 1.

Elections shall be by written ballot and shall be held during the month of November.  The Vice President, Secretary and President-Elect shall be elected in odd years.  The Treasurer shall be elected in even years.  The President Elect shall assume the office of President in December, one full year after being elected, (i.e. the even year).

Section 2.

Criteria for nominating President-Elect shall include:

  1. Attendance at one (1) annual NEAFCS meeting.
  2. Attendance at three (3) annual WEAFCS meetings.
  3. Active membership in WEAFCS for at least five (5) years and active membership in NEAFCS.
  4. Served as chairman of at least one (1) state committee.

Section 3.

Criteria for nominating Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer shall include:

  1. Attendance at two (2) annual WEAFCS meetings.
  2. Membership in WEAFCS for at least two (2) years.
  3. Serving on at least (1) state committee.


ARTICLE VII – Duties of Officers

Section 1. President

  1. To perform such duties which pertain to the office.
  2. To appoint with the approval of the Executive Committee all committees necessary to carry on the business of WEAFCS. Standing Committees shall serve for (2) years.
  3. To recommend, with the Executive Committee, WEAFCS members for NEAFCS Committees and offices.
  4. To represent WEAFCS at the NEAFCS annual meeting in odd years with financial assistance from WEAFCS.
  5. To serve or appoint a representative to the Joint Council of Extension Professionals.
  6. To represent WEAFCS with other organizations or to delegate a member to represent WEAFCS.
  7. To confer with the Executive Committee on payment of unbudgeted major items.

Section 2. President Elect

  1. To become well acquainted with the duties of president.
  2. To appoint committees prior to taking office of president.
  3. To represent WEAFCS at the NEAFCS annual meeting in even years with financial assistance from WEAFCS.
  4. To represent WEAFCS at the NEAFCS Regional State President’s workshop.

Section 3. Vice President

  1. To perform duties of the president in case of absence or inability to serve.
  2. To work as closely as possible with the president and assist in carrying out the activities of WEAFCS.
  3. To be general chair of the annual meeting of WEAFCS and coordinate the agenda with the Executive Committee.  Work with Arrangements Chair.

Section 4. Secretary

  1. To keep a record of all meetings of WEAFCS and Executive Committee.
  2. To be responsible for all necessary correspondence.
  3. To maintain a permanent file of WEAFCS secretarial records.

Section 5. Treasurer

  1. To keep the financial records of WEAFCS and submit them to the audit committee by December 31 of each membership year.
  2. To pay obligations incurred by WEAFCS and approved by the executive committee and president.
  3. To collect WEAFCS and NEAFCS dues and forward NEAFCS dues on due dates.
  4. To serve as a member of the financial committee.
  5. To maintain the permanent file of WEAFCS financial records.


ARTICLE VIII – Executive Committee

Section 1.

Members of the Executive Committee shall be President, President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, plus one east or west representative if all officers are from one side of the state. The newsletter editor shall also serve as a member of the Executive Committee.

Section 2. Duties of the Executive Committee:

  1. To approve payment of unbudgeted items.
  2. To transact any important business of WEAFCS which cannot be held over for a general meeting.
  3. To approve all WEAFCS committee appointments and WEAFCS recommendations for NEAFCS committees and offices.
  4. To appoint members to fill the unexpired terms of WEAFCS offices.
  5. To set a date and place for the annual meeting.
  6. Maintain a commitment to diversity, seek out and involve as many members as possible for leadership positions regardless of race, color, sex, age, religion, national origin, disability or sexual orientation.
  7. Review policies, rules and traditions that may block or discourage active involvement of all Association members.


ARTICLE IX – Meetings

Section 1.

The Executive Committee will set the time and place of the Annual Meeting and other general meetings if deemed necessary.

Section 2.

Extension employees working in any capacity with family and consumer sciences or home economics programming who have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree can attend WEAFCS meetings.  Only paid members of WEAFCS may vote at WEAFCS business meetings.

Section 3.

A quorum is a majority of those members present and voting at the meeting provided the meeting has been announced 30 days in advance.


ARTICLE X – NEAFCS Annual Meeting Delegate

Section 1.

The number of voting delegates to the NEAFCS Annual Meeting is determined by NEAFCS according to the number of paid WEAFCS members.  All states are allowed a minimum of two voting delegates.

Section 2.

In the odd years the President shall represent WEAFCS at NEAFCS Annual Meeting.  In case the President cannot attend, the Executive Committee shall appoint an alternate delegate.

Section 3.

In the even years the President-Elect shall represent WEAFCS at NEAFCS Annual Meeting.  In case the President-Elect cannot attend, the Executive Committee shall appoint an alternate delegate.

Section 4.

The second voting delegate shall be the DSA Award winner.

Section 5.

Financial assistance from WEAFCS will be provided the official delegates.

Section 6.

When it is necessary for the Executive Committee to appoint an alternate delegate, interested members must submit in writing to the Executive Board their interest in representing the Association at NEAFCS.


ARTICLE XI – Dissolution

If for any reason whatever WEAFCS be dissolved, the funds are to be given to the Washington State University Family and Consumer Sciences student scholarship fund.


ARTICLE XII – Amendments

Section 1.

These Bylaws may be amended by majority vote of members attending the annual meeting.

Section 2.

Proposed changes must be submitted to the membership one (1) month prior to the annual meeting.


ARTICLE XIII – Parliamentary Authority

Section 1.

Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the authority in all matters not covered by these Bylaws.

Section 2.

The parliamentarian will be the chairman of the Bylaws Committee.


ARTICLE XIV – Committees

Section 1.

Standing Committees of WEAFCS shall be those in accordance with NEAFCS:

Public Affairs

Public Policy Issues

WAFCS Representative


Networking and Coalition Building

Minority Network/Equal Employment Opportunity

Professional Development

Professional Improvement


Research and Studies

Member Resources


Newsletter Editor


Bylaws and Parliamentary Procedures




Salary Issues

Awards and Recognition

Distinguished Service/Florence Hall/Paraprofessional



Section 2.

The President may appoint with the approval of the Executive Committee, any other committees necessary to carry on the business of WEAFCS.


Bylaws Revised: 7/99 M. Viebrock